Central City Health Professional Perth- Best Podiatry Services in WA

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Toenail Fungus Treatment

Toenail Fungus TreatmentTough and thick toenails are a normal and common part of aging and may be difficult to manage yourself. They may also be due to fungal nail infections or trauma, which may be one- off (like dropping a heavy object on your toe) or minor repetitive trauma such as ill-fitting shoes or other footwear. Fungal infections are contagious and are picked up from public pools, public showers, gardens and trying on shoes in the shop.

The Podiatrists at Central City Podiatry can reduce the thickness of your nails by drilling/ filing and easily cutting them with the appropriate tools, they are also able to advise you on treatments for fungal nails as well as advise you on footwear to make you more comfortable.


Ready to put toenail fungus to bed once and for all? Contact our practice today to schedule your first appointment.

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Toenail Fungus Treatment | Central City Podiatry | (08) 9221 4998